How To Prepare Peaches
Peaches like apples ought to be equally ripe, in order to insure an
equal and regular fermentation--for where ripe and unripe fruit are
thrown into the same hogshead, and ordered for distillation in this way
a disadvantage is sustained. I therefore recommend to farmers and
distillers, when picking the peaches to assort them when putting them in
hogsheads, all soft ripe peaches may go together, as also those which
are h
rd and less ripe--this will enable a more regular fermentation,
and though the hard and less ripe, will take a longer time, than the
soft and ripe to ferment, and yield less, yet the disadvantage will not
be so great, as if mixed.
They ought to be ground in a mill with metal nuts, that the stone and
kernel may be well broken. The kernel when thus broken will give a
finer flavor to the brandy, and increase the quantity.
When they are ground they must be placed in hogsheads and worked in the
same way with apples, but distilled sooner or they will lose much more
spirit by standing any time after fermentation than apples. It is
therefore better to distil them a short time before they are done
working than at any period after.