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Whiskey Making
Wine Making
Grape Growing
Beer Making
How To Choose Malt
Malt is chosen by its sweet smell, mellow taste, full flower, round body
and thin skin. There are two kinds used, the pale and the brown--the
pale is the best.
How To Build A Malt Kiln In Every Distillery
How To Clarify Whiskey &c
Advantages Of My Method
The first of all, is derived from the composition of a vinous liquor, richer, and more proper to raise a vigorous fermentation, than that which is obtained by the usual method. Now, as it is proved that the quantity of spirit is in proportion to t...
Defects In The Usual Method Of Making Whiskey
1st. The most hurtful of all for the interests of the distillers, is undoubtedly the weakness of the vinous liquor. We have seen that the proportion of spirit is in a ratio to the richness of the fermenting liquor; that Lavoisier, by putting one-f...
Description Of The Process The Most Advantageous To Make Whiskey
[TR: The next two paragraphs were cut short, however attempted re-constructed for clarity] As it is demonstrated that the spirit is the more abundant in proportion to the richness of the vinous liquor,* it is therefore necessary to enrich that ...
Directions For Bottling
You must have firm corks, boiled in wort, or grounds of beer; fill within an inch of the cork's reach, and beat it in with a mallet; then, with a small brass wire, bind the neck of the bottle, bring up the ends, and twist them over with a pair of pi...
Directions For Cooling Off
Much observation is necessary to enable the distiller to cool off with judgment--which necessity is increased by the versatility of our climate, the seasons of the year, and the kinds of water used. These circumstances prevent a strict adherence to ...
Directions For Making Cider British Mode
The apples after being thrown into a heap should always be covered from the weather. The later the cider is made the better, as the juice is then more perfectly ripened, and less danger to be feared from fermentation. Nothing does more harm to cider...
Distilling Of Buckwheat
Buckwheat is an unprofitable grain for the distillers when distilled by itself, but when mixed with rye, it will yield nearly as much as rye; but I would by no means recommend the use of it when it can be avoided. Tho' sometimes necessity requires t...
Distilling Of Potatoes
This is a branch of distilling that I cannot too highly recommend to the attention of every American--nor can the cultivation of this valuable vegetable be carried to a too great extent, the value of which ought to be known to every planter and it s...
Effects Of This Apparatus
Although the still might contain 400 gallons, there must be only 200 gallons put into it: the rest remaining empty, the vapors develops themselves, and rise. In that state, the vinous liquor is about one foot deep, on a surface of 20 feet square: ...
Hogsheads Perfectly Sweet
Scald them twice, as above directed, then light a brimstone match, flick it on the ground, turn your hogshead down over it, let it stand until the match quits burning, this operation is necessary once a week--a method I have found effectual. ...
Give a preference to hops of a bright green colour, sweet smell, and have a gummy or clammy effect when rubbed between the hands or fingers. CCHAPTE RSECTION V. ...
How To Build A Malt Kiln In Every Distillery
When setting up your stills, leave a space of about nine inches for a small furnace between the large ones, extend it to your chimney and carry up a funnel, there-from to the loft, then stop it--here build the kiln on the loft, about 4 or 5 feet squ...
How To Choose Malt
Malt is chosen by its sweet smell, mellow taste, full flower, round body and thin skin. There are two kinds used, the pale and the brown--the pale is the best. ...
How To Clarify Whiskey &c
Take any vessel of convenient size, take one end out and make it clean, by scalding or otherwise; bore the bottom full of holes, a quarter of an inch in diameter--lay thereon three folds of flannel, over which spread ground maple charcoal and burnt ...
How To Distil Apples
Apples ought to be perfectly ripe for distillation, as it has been ascertained from repeated trials, that they produce more and better spirit, (as well as cider), when fully ripe than if taken green, or the ripe and unripe mixed--if taken mixed it w...
How To Double And Single Peach Brandy
The same process must be observed in running off peaches as in apples, except that the singling still ought not to be run so fast, nor so much fire kept under her, and more water used to prevent burning. ...
How To Double Apple Brandy
Fill the doubling still with singlings, and add a quart of lime, (which will clear it) put fire under her and bring her to a run briskly--after she runs, lessen the fire and run her as slow as possible. Slow running will prevent any of the spirit fr...
How To Fill And Order The Singling Still When Running Apple Singlings
When you perceive your apples ready for distilling, fill the singling still with apples and water; using about half a hogshead apples in a still of 110 gallons, the residue water, first having cleaned the still well, and greased her previous to fill...
How To Judge When Apples Are Ready For Distilling
Put your hand down into the hogsheads amongst the apples as far as you can, and bring out a handful of pugs--squeeze them in your hand, through your fingers, observe if there be any core, or lumps of apples un-digested, if none, you may consider the...
How To Make A Brandy Resembling French Brandy From Rye Whiskey Or Apple Brandy
Clarify the whiskey as the above receipt directs, after thus purifying, add one third or one fourth of French brandy, and it will be then found strongly to resemble the French brandy in taste and smell--and if kept a few years, will be found more sa...
How To Make A Resemblance Of Holland Gin Out Of Rye Whiskey
Put clarified whiskey, with an equal quantity of water, into your doubling still, together with a sufficient quantity of juniper berries, prepared; take a pound of unflacked lime, immerse it in three pints of water, stir it well--then let it stand t...
How To Make A Spirit Resemble Jamaica Spirit Out Of Rye Whiskey
This is done precisely in the manner laid down in the receipt for French brandy. ...
How To Order And Fill The Singling Still When Distilling Rye
Scrape, clean, and grease the singling still, fill her up with beer, and keep a good fire under her, till she be warm enough to head, stirring her constantly with a broom, to prevent the grain from sticking to the bottom or sides, and burning, which...
How To Order Apples In The Hogsheads
When the apples are ground put them into open hogsheads to ferment, taking care not to fill them too full, or they will work over; set them under cover, as the sun will sour them too soon, if permitted to operate on them, and by his heat extract a c...