(Labrusca, Vinifera, Bourquiniana)
Brilliant is a cross between Lindley and Delaware. In cluster and size
of berry it resembles Lindley; in color and quality of fruit it is
about the same as Delaware, differing chiefly in having more
astringency in the skin. Its season is about with Delaware. The grapes
do not crack or shell, therefore ship well, and have very good keeping
qualities, especially on the vin
where they often hang for weeks. The
vine is vigorous and hardy. The defects which have kept Brilliant from
becoming one of the standard commercial sorts are: marked
susceptibility to fungi, variability in size of cluster, unevenness in
ripening and unproductiveness. In favorable situations this variety
pleases the amateur, and the commercial grower often finds it
profitable. The seed which produced Brilliant was planted by T. V.
Munson, Denison, Texas, in 1883 and the variety was introduced in
Vine vigorous, hardy, rather unproductive. Canes long, numerous,
thick, dark brown; nodes enlarged, flattened; internodes long;
tendrils intermittent, long, bifid. Leaves large, thick; upper
surface dark green, dull, rugose; lower surface gray-green, downy;
obscurely three-lobed with terminal lobe acute; petiolar sinus
deep, narrow; basal and lateral sinuses obscure and shallow when
present; teeth intermediate in depth and width. Flowers open late,
self-fertile; stamens upright.
Fruit early mid-season, keeps well. Clusters medium, blunt,
cylindrical, usually shouldered, compact; pedicel short, thick
with a few small warts; brush short, thick, pale green with
reddish tinge. Berries round, dark red, glossy with thin bloom,
strongly adherent, firm; skin thin, tough, adherent; flesh pale
green, transparent, juicy, stringy, fine-grained, vinous, sweet;
good. Seeds clinging, one to four, large, broad, elongated, plump,
light brown.