The Best Method Of Distilling Rye

Take four gallons boiling, and two gallons cold water--put it into a

hogshead, then stir in one and a half bushels chopped rye, let it stand

five minutes, then add two gallons cold water, and one gallon malt,

stir it effectually--let it stand till your still boils, then add

sixteen gallons boiling water, stirring it well, or until you break all

the lumps--then put into each hogshead, so prepared, one pint coarse

nd one shovel full of hot coals out of your furnace. (The coals

and salt have a tendency to absorb all sourness and bad smell, that may

be in the hogshead or grain;) if there be a small quantity of hot ashes

in the coals, it is an improvement--stir your hogsheads effectually

every fifteen minutes, keeping them close covered until you perceive the

grain scalded enough--when you may uncover, if the above sixteen gallons

boiling water did not scald it sufficiently, water must be added until

scalded enough--as some water will scald quicker than others--it is

necessary to mark this attentively, and in mashing two or three times,

it may be correctly ascertained what quantity of the kind of water used

will scald effectually--after taking off the covers, they must be

stirred effectually, every fifteen minutes, till you cool off--for which

operation, see "Cooling off." To those who distill all rye, I

recommend this method, as I have found it to answer every kind of water,

with one or two exceptions.

Distillers will doubtless make experiments of the various modes

recommended and use that which may prove most advantageous and


