Harvesting And Handling Muscadine Grapes

The Muscadine grapes of the South Atlantic and Gulf states are unique

in vine and fruit, are used for different purposes and go to different

markets from the grapes of the North, so that they may be considered

almost a distinct fruit. Not only are cultural requirements peculiar

to this fruit, as we have seen, but the methods of harvesting and

marketing are quite distinct. These are well set forth by Husmann and

18] as follows:

"Rotundifolia vines have been almost entirely grown on overhead arbors

in the past, the fruit being made into wine, and under such conditions

the general practice of jarring the grapes from the vines is perhaps

the most practical method of harvesting. If the vines are trained to

upright trellises or if the fruit is intended for shipping or table

use the grapes should be picked by hand in order to be sound and

clean. On account of the presence of leaves, twigs, etc., mixed with

the grapes jarred from the vines, wine and grape-juice manufacturers

will pay 5 to 15 cents a bushel more for hand-picked grapes. The

growers who make a practice of hand picking claim that the work can be

done at practically no greater expense than is necessary to shake off

and clean a crop, and the increased price obtained for the fruit will

more than pay the difference.

"A description of the harvesting of the Rotundifolia grapes by the

jarring method will be interesting to those not familiar with it.

Poles are attached to sheets of canvas measuring 6 by 12 feet and

having leather handles. A man is placed at each end of the sheets and

four men with two sheets work together. The wide sides of the two

sheets are brought close together under each vine, with the trunk of

the vine in the middle. The vines are then jarred, the berries falling

into the sheets. Those not caught by the sheets or that have fallen to

the ground by the shaking of the trellis when the fruit of the

adjoining vines was harvested, etc., and which are usually of the best

quality, are picked by hand. The writers are informed that it costs

approximately 15 cents a bushel to harvest the fruit on the ground and

12 cents to harvest that which falls on the sheets.

"The fruit is put in boxes or barrels, and if the quantity is not

large the leaves, sticks, etc., which become mixed with the fruit are

removed by hand. If there is a considerable quantity of fruit some

mechanical means, such as ordinary grain fan mills, are used to clean

it. After cleaning, the fruit is hauled or shipped to the winery. In

wineries with modern equipment there are blowers which thoroughly

clean the fruit. These are located near the end of the elevators that

carry the fruit to the crusher.

"A common and very objectionable practice followed in harvesting

Rotundifolia grapes, especially by the jarring method, is that of

gathering the fruit all at once, whereas there should be at least

three periods of harvesting. When harvested at one time the best

quality of fruit ripens, falls to the ground, and is lost before the

harvest is commenced and the last part of the crop is thrashed from

the vines in a half-ripe condition along with the ripe fruit. In this

manner not only is the first and best fruit entirely lost, but the

harvested fruit is inferior in quality, which necessarily results in a

poor product from the entire yield."

Returns from Muscadine grapes.

"Great variations occur in the yields from Rotundifolia vines. At

times there are record-breaking yields and, again, small yields are

reported, the small yields resulting from black-rot, coulure, wet

weather, self-sterility, lack of cultivation, fertilization, lack of

pruning, age of vines, and various other causes. In spite of this,

Rotundifolia vines are said to be among the safest and most prolific

of fruit-bearing plants. While in one of the largest Rotundifolia

vineyards there has been only a partial crop during the last three

years, owing to various causes, another grower reports a yield of 177

bushels of grapes from 4-year-old James vines, in addition to a bale

of cotton to the acre. A Florida grower estimated his crop of white

Rotundifolia and Thomas grapes for the season of 1911 at 280 bushels

to the acre. An average yield of 27 bushels an acre from 4-year-old

vines, 100 bushels from 5-year-old vines, and 150 bushels to the acre

when the vines are in full bearing should be obtained.

"The prices paid for Rotundifolia grapes depend on the season, the

quality of fruit, and the market. In years when the crop is short

better prices are usually paid than when there is a heavy crop. Aside

from the grapes sold and shipped to wineries, grapes as a rule sell

for more in the cities and larger towns than in smaller places, the

local demand being somewhat in proportion to the population. In such

localities fruit of good quality will bring a much better price than

inferior fruit. Hand-picked fruit in half-bushel peach baskets or in

berry boxes usually brings from $1 to $2 per bushel. Grapes harvested

by jarring are usually sent to the wineries and bring an average of 75

cents per bushel of 60 pounds. The highest price paid for this quality

of fruit was reached in 1910, when $2.25 per bushel (f.o.b. shipping

point) was paid for white Rotundifolia.

"In many localities certain growers have built up quite a reputation

for themselves in choice, hand-picked fruit, which they ship to

special customers in distant markets. For this purpose the James

variety is usually grown because the berries adhere well and are of

good size and flavor. Several growers ship as far north as New York

and Boston, getting from $2.00 to $2.50 gross per bushel crate. In

shipping, three styles of carriers are used--the 24-box strawberry

crate, the 6-basket peach crate, and the 8-pound basket. More

attention should be given to this phase of the industry. The varieties

best suited for shipping are the James, Memory, Flowers, and Mish.

"In the fall of 1910 shipments of the James, Thomas, and Eden

varieties were sent from the Rotundifolia experiment vineyard at

Willard, N. C., to Washington D. C., part of the consignment being in

strawberry boxes and the remainder in bushel baskets. No important

difference could be noted in the two lots on their arrival in

Washington. The James variety arrived in perfect condition in both

packages; of the Eden 30 per cent and of the Thomas 35 per cent had

shelled. More extensive experiments along this line are contemplated."

