

Alabama, Black El Paso, Black July, Black Spanish, Blue French,

Burgundy, Cigar Box Grape, Devereaux, Jack, Jacques, July Sherry,

Longworth's Ohio, MacCandless, Ohio, Springstein, Warren

Lenoir is a tender southern grape which has been used largely in

France and California as a resistant stock and a direct producer. The

fruit is highly valued for its dark red wine and is very
ood for

table use. The vine is very resistant to phylloxera and withstands

drouth well. The origin of Lenoir is unknown. It was in cultivation in

the South as long ago as the early part of the last century. Nicholas

Herbemont states in 1829 that its name was given from a man named

Lenoir who cultivated it near Stateburg, South Carolina.

Vine vigorous, thrifty, semi-hardy, productive. Canes numerous,

with some bloom at the nodes; tendrils intermittent. Leaves from

two to seven-lobed, usually five, with characteristic bluish-green

color above and pale green below.

Clusters variable, medium to very large, tapering, usually

shouldered. Berries small, round, dark bluish-purple, nearly black

with lilac bloom; skin thick, tough; flesh juicy, tender, sweet,

very rich in coloring matter.

