
A very good vinegar can be made from grapes, although as yet this

outlet for over-production is not largely utilized in America. Grapes

which are unsuitable for raisins, dessert, wine-making or grape-juice

can be used for vinegar-making. Under the most favorable conditions,

grape-vinegar cannot compete in cheapness with vinegar made from

numerous other products and must, therefore, always sell at a high

price. Indeed,
t is doubtful whether a high-grade grape-vinegar can

be manufactured at a less price than good wine. The production of

grape-vinegar requires as much care, but possibly not as much expert

knowledge, as the making of wine. Unlike the latter, however, the

vinegar can be produced on a small scale for domestic purposes by any

one possessing a knowledge of wine-making or vinegar-making.

Grape-vinegar may be manufactured from either white or red grapes,

although that from white grapes is generally preferred. It may be made

either directly from grapes or from wine, the acetifying process being

the same for both. There are, therefore, two distinct stages in the

manufacture of this product. First, there must be alcoholic

fermentation by which the sugar in the grape is changed into alcohol

with the escape of carbonic acid gas. Second, acetic fermentation must

follow the alcoholic fermentation by which the alcohol is changed into

acetic acid.

