Fungous Diseases Of The Grape

The grape is ravaged by four or five fungous diseases in America,

unless the utmost vigilance is exercised to keep the parasites in

check. Happily for commercial viticulture, there are regions, as we

have seen in the description of grape regions in Chapter I, so

fortunate in their freedom from fungous diseases that there is little

uncertainty in grape-growing and but small expense in controlling

diseases. Also modern s
ience has discovered the life history of all

the important diseases and devised fairly effective means of combating


All of the fungous parasites of the grape in America are indigenous,

having long subsisted on wild vines. They are, therefore, all widely

distributed, and as cultivation has presented to them great numbers of

grape plants in continuous areas, the diseases have increased rapidly

in intensity, at times have swept like wildfire through grape regions

devastating and utterly ruining great areas of vines. Means, however,

are now at hand in remedial and preventive treatment, which, while

because of cost may not permit the grapes to be grown profitably in

all parts of America, do permit their culture for home use in

practically all agricultural districts in the country.


This is the most widely distributed and the most destructive fungous

disease of the grape in the region east of the Rocky Mountains.

Fortunately, it is unknown on the Pacific coast. The disease is caused

by a parasitic fungus (Guignardia Bidwellii) which gains entrance to

the grape plant by means of minute spores distributed chiefly by wind

and rain. Black-rot passes the winter in mummied grapes, on dead

tendrils or on small, dead areas on the canes. In the spring, the

fungus spreads from these spots to the leaves and forms brown leaf

spots about a fourth of an inch in diameter, or oblong, black spots on

the shoots, leaves, petioles and tendrils. Later the disease spreads

to the fruits, not usually attracting attention until the berries are

at least half grown. Soon after the ravages of the fungus become

apparent on the berries, the fruits turn black, shrivel and become

covered with minute black pustules which contain the summer-spores.

Figure 44 shows the work of black-rot. In the winter and spring,

another form called the winter- or resting-spore is produced upon

these old, shriveled, mummied berries, and these carry the disease

over from one season to another.

Since the disease is carried through the winter in mummied fruits and

diseased wood, the desirability of destroying these mummied grapes and

the leaves and prunings of infected vines as soon as possible is

apparent. This treatment, however, is not sufficient, and the disease

can be effectually controlled only by thorough spraying with bordeaux

mixture (4-4-50). The first application should be made just before the

grape blossoms; the second, shortly after blossoming. The amount of

material applied matters less than evenness in distribution and

fineness of the spray as applied. In rainy seasons, perhaps a third or

a fourth application should be made in regions where the disease is

serious; the third is made when the berries are the size of a pea; the

fourth, as the berries become large enough to touch each other.


Downy-mildew (Plasmopara viticola) rivals black-rot for first place

among fungous diseases of the grape. It is found in all grape regions

east of the Rocky Mountains but does most harm in northern localities.

Like black-rot, downy-mildew attacks all the tender growing parts of

the vine, but is chiefly found on the foliage and is usually less

destructive than black-rot. As first seen on the foliage, the work of

the fungus appears as greenish-yellow, irregular spots upon the upper

surface which later become reddish-brown. At the same time on the

under surface of the leaf, a thin, white downy growth puts forth. The

spores of the fungus are produced on this downy growth, and under

favorable conditions are distributed by wind and water to all tender

parts of the vine, where they germinate and begin their work of

destruction. The fruit is attacked when partly grown, as shown in Fig.

45, becoming covered with the gray down of the fungus, the "gray-rot"

of the grape-grower. If the berries escape the disease until half

grown, the fungus causes a brownish-purple spot that soon covers the

whole grape, giving the disease at this stage the name of "brown-rot."

Besides the summer-spores, another form of reproductive bodies is

produced in the winter to carry the fungus through the resting period.

Downy-mildew, like black-rot, spreads most rapidly and does most

injury in hot, wet weather. As with practically all diseases of the

grape, much can be accomplished in the way of control of the disease

by destroying infested leaves, shoots and berries which contain the

winter spores, but these sanitary measures are not sufficiently

effective and vineyards must be sprayed as recommended for black-rot,

except that the first application should be made before the

blossom-buds appear.


Less troublesome than downy-mildew in the East, powdery-mildew

(Uncinula necator), unless checked, is capable of destroying the

entire crop of European grapes on the Pacific slope. In the East it

sometimes causes great loss on the several varieties known as "Rogers

hybrids" and, curiously enough, is often a rather serious disease of

the Concord. The disease is caused by a superficial fungus which

passes the winter on fallen leaves and also on the canes. The spores

begin to germinate a few weeks after the grape blossoms, but the

disease is not often found until the grapes are nearly half grown. The

fine white filaments of the fungus, which constitute the vegetative

portion of the parasite, then attack the leaves, shoots and fruit,

sending up short irregular branches on which great numbers of spores

are borne. These give the upper surface of the leaf a gray, powdery

appearance, hence the name. Eventually the diseased leaves become

light brown and if the disease is severe, soon fall. Infected berries

take on a gray, scurfy appearance, speckled with brown, are checked in

growth and often burst on one side, exposing the seeds. The berries,

however, do not become soft and shrunken as when attacked by the

downy-mildew. The disease passes the winter in resting-spores produced

late in the growing season. Powdery-mildew differs from other fungous

diseases of the grape in being more prevalent in hot, dry seasons than

in cold, wet ones.

In eastern America powdery-mildew is controlled by the treatment

recommended for black-rot. When black-rot is not prevalent, two sprays

with bordeaux mixture are recommended; the first in early July and the

second about two weeks later. On the Pacific coast, however,

powdery-mildew or "oidium" as it is often called there, the name

coming from Europe, is more cheaply and more successfully combated by

dusting with flowers of sulfur. Dusting is often done by hand or with

perforated cans but this is wasteful and uncertain, and any one of

several sulfur-sprayers may be used which does the work better.


Another widespread disease is anthracnose (Sphaceloma ampelinum),

called "birds-eye-rot" because of the peculiar spots produced on the

affected fruits, which attacks leaves, shoots and fruits of the vine.

It first appears on the leaves in small, irregular, dark brown sunken

spots with a dark margin. Later it appears on the fruits, having much

the same appearance though the spots are usually larger and more

sunken, the disease being most characteristic on the fruit, however.

Frequently two or more spots unite and so cover the greater part of

the berry. The fruits become hard, more or less wrinkled, and the

diseased area often ruptures, exposing the seed, much as with

powdery-mildew. The spores of the fungus are produced in great numbers

on diseased areas during the growing season and are borne on

thread-like filaments which live throughout the winter in the tissues

of the vine and are ready for new growth in the spring. Winter-spores

have not yet been discovered.

Anthracnose is widely distributed in eastern America but seldom causes

great or general loss, most of the commercial grapes being relatively

immune to the disease. A few sorts rather commonly grown in home

vineyards, as Diamond, Brighton and Agawam, suffer most from

anthracnose. Spraying with bordeaux mixture, as recommended for

black-rot, is usually sufficient to keep the disease in check.

Dead-arm disease.

A troublesome disease of recent appearance is now doing considerable

damage in the Chautauqua grape-belt along the shores of Lake Erie,

being most common on the Concord. From the fact that it is usually

found on one arm of the vine it is called "dead-arm disease"

(Cryptosporella viticola.) The disease is caused by a fungus which

passes the winter in small, black fruiting bodies in the dead parts of

the vine. Early in the spring the fungus spreads by means of spores to

the young shoots and later in the season attacks mature berries,

producing small, black, oblong spots of black-rot. Sooner or later, if

the diseased shoot is not cut off, the fungus spreads to the arms or

trunk of the vine, producing a slow, dry rot which eventually kills

the affected part. Fortunately, the presence of the disease is quickly

detected by small yellowish leaves, much crimped about the margin.

The fungus is easily controlled by marking the diseased arms when the

first symptoms appear and cutting these off at pruning time. If the

vine is much mutilated by such pruning, usually suckers can be brought

up from beneath the surface of the ground to renew the vine. The

applications of bordeaux mixture recommended for black-rot are

valuable in preventing the dead-arm disease. The disease is largely

prevented by renewing the old wood of the vine as soon as the trunk

begins to show a gnarled appearance.


In eastern America, especially in the Chautauqua grape-belt,

grape-growers not infrequently lose a large part of the crop by the

premature falling of the grapes from the stems. The trouble is an

ancient one and is designated as "shelling" or "rattling." This

premature dropping usually begins at the end of a cluster, and

clusters farthest from the trunk are earliest affected. When vineyards

suffer badly from this shelling, the vines often take on a sickly

appearance, the foliage falling off in color and the outer margins of

the leaves drying up more or less. The fallen fruit has an insipid

taste and is, of course, worthless even if it could be harvested.

The cause of the trouble is not known. Grapes may "rattle" on high

land or low land, on poor soil or rich soil, on heavy or light soil. A

vineyard may be affected one year and not the next. Grape-growers

usually attribute the trouble to faulty nutrition, but applications of

fertilizers have not proved a preventive. Old and well-established

vineyards seem freer from the trouble than new and poorly established

plantings. The most reasonable theory as to the cause of shelling is

that it comes from faulty nutrition of the vine, but the conditions so

affecting the nutrition are not yet satisfactorily determined.

Diseases of minor importance.

Ripe-rot or bitter-rot (Glomerella rufomaculans) is a disease due to

the same fungus causing the bitter-rot of the apple. As the name

indicates, the disease usually appears on the fruit at ripening time

and under favorable conditions continues after the grapes are picked.

It may also attack the leaves and stems. The first indication of the

fungus is the appearance of reddish-brown spots which spread and

eventually cover the whole fruit. The berries do not shrivel, but the

rotted surface becomes dotted with pustules in which the spores are

borne. It is hard to tell how much damage this disease does, but it is

not usually great and the late applications of bordeaux mixture for

black-rot or powdery-mildew are very effective in controlling it.

Crown-gall, now known to be a bacterial disease which causes knots or

galls on the roots of various wild and cultivated plants, sometimes

attacks grape roots or even the vines above ground. Occasionally, the

disease is rather serious, but it is not often to be reckoned with in

the vineyard regions of America. Fungicides are useless in combating

the disease and all that can be done is to exercise great care in

planting infected stock. It is doubtful whether crown-gall ever

seriously injures vines in northern regions, although it may

occasionally do so in the South.

In California there is a somewhat mysterious disease known as "Anaheim

disease," because of its having first made its appearance in the

vicinity of Anaheim. As near as can be learned, the disease first

appeared in 1884 and then spread rapidly from forty to fifty miles

from the point where it began its ravages, causing direct and indirect

loss of many millions of dollars, and leading to the abandonment of

grape-growing in some parts of southern California. Fortunately, in

recent years the Anaheim disease is less aggressive but still does

more or less damage. The nature and the treatment of this disease are

not as yet fully determined, although several experimenters are

studying the trouble. Californians whose vineyards suffer from this

disease should apply to the experiment station at Berkeley for the

latest information in regard to it.

Coulure is another trouble of the vine in California of which little

is yet known, either as to cause or treatment. The term signifies the

failure of the fruit to set or to remain on the clusters. The trouble

occurs in varying degrees from the loss of a few berries to the

complete shelling of the fruit from the stem. It is worse in some

localities than others and in some varieties than others. Various

causes have been assigned to the disease, chief of which, and most

probable, are unfavorable climatic conditions.

