
(Labrusca, Vinifera, Bourquiniana)

Ideal is a handsome seedling of Delaware, from which it differs

chiefly in being larger in bunch and berry, attaining in both of these

characters nearly the size of Catawba. In Kansas and Missouri, this

variety is highly recommended, not only for the high quality of the

fruit, ranking with Delaware in quality, but because of vigorous,

healthy, productive vines. But farth
r north the vines are

precariously hardy and not sufficiently fruitful, healthy nor vigorous

to warrant high recommendation. Ideal originated with John Burr,

Leavenworth, Kansas, from seed of Delaware, about 1885.

Vine vigorous, doubtfully hardy, productive; tendrils

intermittent, bifid or trifid. Canes long, numerous, slender, dark

brown; nodes enlarged, flattened; internodes long. Leaves large,

variable in color; lobes three to five; petiolar sinus deep, wide;

teeth deep, narrow; upper surface light green, dull; lower surface

pale green, pubescent.

Fruit early mid-season, keeps well. Clusters large, broad, heavily

shouldered; pedicel thick; brush green. Berries large, round,

dark red with thin bloom, usually persistent, firm; skin thick,

tough, adherent; flesh green, tender, aromatic, sweet next the

skin, acid at the center; good to very good. Seeds adherent,

large, plump, brown.

