Early Daisy


The qualities of Early Daisy render the variety more than commonplace.

Its earliness commends it, the ripening period being eight or ten days

earlier than Champion or Moore Early, making it one of the very

earliest varieties. For a grape maturing at its season, it both keeps

and ships well. Early Daisy would seem to be as desirable as Hartford

or Champion. The variety originated with John Kread
, Mount Joy,

Pennsylvania, in 1874, as a seedling of Hartford.

Vine vigorous, hardy, produces fair crops. Canes of medium length,

numerous, slender, reddish-brown; nodes enlarged, flattened;

tendrils continuous, bifid. Leaves small, light green; upper

surface rugose; lower surface slightly pubescent, cobwebby; lobes

wanting or faintly three; petiolar sinus deep, narrow; teeth

shallow, narrow. Flowers nearly self-sterile.

Fruit early. Clusters small to medium, often blunt at ends,

cylindrical, sometimes single-shouldered, compact; pedicel short,

slender, smooth; brush reddish, slender. Berries of medium size,

round, dull black, covered with heavy bloom, persistent; skin

tough, purplish-red pigment; flesh tough, solid, aromatic, tart at

the skin, acid at center; inferior in flavor and quality. Seeds

numerous, adherent, of average size, dark brown.

