The Concord

This grape seems to have given the most general satisfaction all over

the country, and seems to be _the_ "grape for the million." Wherever

heard from, it seems to be uniformly healthy and productive. Our

Eastern friends complain of its inferior quality; this may be owing

partly to their short seasons, and partly to the too early gathering of

the fruit. It is one of those varieties which color early, but should

hang a long time after coloring, to attain its full perfection. Here it

is at least _very_ good; makes an excellent wine, and, if we take into

consideration its enormous productiveness, its vigor and adaptability

to all soils and climates, we must acknowledge that as yet it stands

without a rival, and will be a safe investment almost anywhere. Our

long summers bring it to a perfection of which our Eastern friends have

no idea, until they try it here. It will do well in almost any soil.

