Rose Of Peru


Rose of Peru is a favorite table-grape in California, confused with

and possibly the same as Black Prince. Its chief commendable

characters are handsome appearance and high quality of fruit and very

productive vines. It is not adapted for shipping and does not enter

plentifully into commerce. Its season is so late that the variety is

hardly worth trying in the East, and yet it has matured in favorable

seasons at Geneva, New York. The following description is compiled:

Vine vigorous, healthy, productive; wood short-jointed, dark

brown. Leaves of medium size; deep green above, lighter green and

tomentose below. Bunches very large, shouldered, very loose, often

scraggly; berry large, round, black with firm, crackling flesh;

skin rather thin and tender; flavor sweet and rich; quality very

good to best. Season late, keeping rather well but not shipping


