Results Of Grape-breeding

There are now 2000 or more varieties of grapes of American origin, all

produced within approximately a century. It is doubtful whether any

other cultivated plant at any time in the history of the world has

attained such importance in so short a time from the wild state as

American grapes. It would seem that almost every possible combination

between species worth considering has been made. Through

hybridization, species
and varieties have become so mixed that the

grape-breeder cannot now work intelligently with these gross forms and

must work with characters rather than with species and varieties which

are but combinations of characters. Great progress, it is true, has

been made in the past in breeding grapes in America, but the work has

been wholly empirical and extremely wasteful. Many varieties have been

called, but few have been chosen. With the new knowledge of breeding

and with the experience of past workers, progress should be made with

greater certainty. From what has been done and from work now under

way, it is not too much to say that we shall soon be growing grapes

everywhere in America, and kinds so diverse that they will meet not

only all purposes to which grapes are now put, but also the demand for

better grapes made by more critical consumers.

