How To Renew Yeast When Sour

About two hours before you begin to make your beer, take one pint of the

sour yeast, put it into a clean dish or vessel, and pour clean cold

water over it--changing the water every fifteen minutes, until the acid

be extracted, have it then in readiness to mix with the beer, which is

to be prepared, in the following manner, viz. Take one pint malt, and

scald it well in a clean vessel, with a gallon of boiling water, let it

/> stand half an hour closely covered--then pour it into a pot with plenty

of hops--then strain it into a well scalded earthen jug, when milk

warm--add then a small quantity of the yeast, (sweetened as directed in

the first part of this receipt,) with two or three table spoon fulls of

molasses ... set it past for twenty four hours to ferment ... then pour

off the top, or beer that is in the jug, leaving about a quart in the

bottom ... then that which remains in the bottom will be yeast with

which to start your stock yeast.

The method of procuring and keeping stock yeast, by the generality of

distillers, merits in the mind of the author of this work, most decided

disapprobation. They generally procure yeast once a week, or month, from

brewers, and if not convenient to be had in this way, they often use

such as is used by country women, for baking bread, without paying any

regard to the quality, or whether sour; with such, tho' generally bad,

they proceed to make their daily yeast, and often continue the use of

it, until the grain will no longer yield a gallon of whiskey to the

bushel, and so often proceed in this miserable and indolent mode of

procuring and renewing yeast, to the great prejudice of their own, and

employer's interest ... attributing the small yield of liquor to the

badness of the grain ... the manner in which it is chopped, or some

other equally false cause. Then to the idle and careless habits of

distillers, must be attributed any yield short of three gallons to the

bushel of rye.... To ensure this quantity at least from the bushel, the

author discovers the anxiety expressed, and the care recommended in the

foregoing pages, on the subject of preserving and keeping good yeast,

and recommends the following as the best mode of preparing.

