
(Labrusca, Vinifera)

Massasoit is distinguished as the earliest of Rogers' hybrids,

ripening with Delaware. The grapes have the peculiarity of being best

before full maturity, developing, after ripening, a degree of foxiness

which impairs the quality. In shape and size of berry and bunch, there

is a striking resemblance to Isabella, but the color is that of

Catawba. The texture of the fruit is especially
ood, firm but tender

and juicy, while the flavor is rich and sweet. The vine is vigorous,

hardy and productive but subject to mildew and rot. Massasoit is worth

a place in the home vineyard and as an early grape of fine quality for

local markets.

Vine very vigorous, hardy, very productive, subject to rot and

mildew. Canes long, thick, dark brown with reddish tinge; nodes

enlarged, flattened; tendrils continuous, long, trifid or bifid.

Leaves variable in size; upper surface light green, dull, smooth;

lower surface pale green, pubescent; lobes three to five with

terminus acute; petiolar sinus deep, narrow; basal sinus shallow,

narrow, obscure; teeth shallow. Flowers self-sterile, open late;

stamens reflexed.

Fruit early, keeps well. Clusters variable in size, broad,

cylindrical, frequently single-shouldered; pedicel slender with a

few indistinct warts; brush pale green. Berries large, round-oval,

dark brownish-red, dull with thin bloom, very persistent, firm;

skin thin, tender, adherent, astringent; flesh pale green,

translucent, juicy, fine-grained, soft, stringy, foxy; good to

very good. Seeds adherent, one to five, large, broad, distinctly

notched, plump, blunt.

