

James is one of the largest of the Rotundifolia grapes and probably

the best general-purpose variety of this species. The vine is noted

for vigor and productiveness. It cannot be grown north of Maryland. It

thrives in sandy loam soils with clay subsoil. The variety was found

by B. W. M. James, Pitt County, North Carolina. It was introduced

about 1890 and was placed on the grape list of the

Pomological Society fruit catalog in 1899.

Vine vigorous, healthy, productive. Canes slender, numerous, long,

slightly trailing. Leaves of medium size, thick, smooth, leathery,

cordate, as broad as long, with a serrate margin. Flowers open

late; stamens reflexed.

Fruit ripens late, hangs on the vine for three weeks, keeps well.

Clusters small, containing from four to twelve berries, irregular,

loose. Berries large, three-fourths to one and one-fourth inches

in diameter, round, blue-black, marked with specks; skin thick,

tough. Pulp juicy, sweet; good in quality.

